


Cyber: Announcing Our Mainnet and New Identity



Cyber, the L2 for social, is officially live on mainnet and open to developers to create apps that transform how people connect, create, monetize, and share the value they generate!

TLDRCyber, the L2 for social, is officially live on mainnet and open to developers to create apps that transform how people connect, create, monetize, and share the value they generate! Developers can start building by visiting our documentation.

To coincide with the launch of the L2 that expands web3’s focus beyond finance, we’re rebranding CyberConnect to Cyber. This unites our onchain social protocols and developer-centric offerings while spinning out Link3 as its own independent brand.

The L2 for Social is on Mainnet!

Today is a huge day for us and for the entire web3 community as we continue our journey to unlock the immense potential of onchain social. We're super excited to announce that in partnership with AltLayer, Cyber, the L2 for social, is now live on mainnet.

Cyber, the L2 for social, enables developers to create apps that transform how people connect, create, monetize, and share the value they generate. 

To meet the unique needs of social applications—such as low fees, high TPS, and a seamless, web2-like UX—Cyber integrates Optimism’s OP Stack and purpose-built features developed by our team, including native AA and Passkey and Webauthn authentication, along with customized infrastructure secured by EigenLayer’s Actively Validated Services (AVS).

Cyber and The Optimism Superchain

Built with the OP Stack, Cyber joins BaseMode, and numerous other current and upcoming L2s and L3s on Optimism’s Superchain. The Superchain is a growing network of chains (OP Stack Chains), built on Optimism's open-source standard codebase, the OP Stack. OP Stack Chains built on the Superchain contribute portions of their revenue back to the Optimism Collective to fund public goods and network development. 

Joining the Superchain will allow users from other chains across the ecosystem to access social data networks and applications on Cyber, embedding social features throughout the broader ecosystem, while granting Cyber access to its entire onchain economy and user base. As part of the Superchain, Cyber will contribute a portion of the revenue generated by Cyber’s sequencer back to the Optimism Collective. By aligning with the Superchain vision, Cyber pledges to accelerate web3 adoption in a cooperative manner. 

Deploying Cyber on Plasma Mode with AltLayer

Through our partnership, AltLayer will manage the rollup’s technical launch, ongoing management, operations, and future upgrades.

With AltLayer’s help, Cyber is one of the first OP Stack Chains with Plasma Mode deployed to mainnet. Plasma Mode enables OP Stack chains to leverage alternative data availability (DA) layers to Ethereum Mainnet, significantly reducing their transaction costs while minimizing tradeoffs to security and decentralization. As a result, Cyber will enjoy high TPS, while maintaining low fees. Plasma Mode is currently in Beta and does not yet support EigenDA as a DA layer, so Cyber plans to migrate to EigenDA upon its integration to provide our users with greater scalability at reduced costs. This demonstrates Cyber’s commitment to innovating with cutting-edge solutions while building on proven tech with leading infrastructure partners. 

These infrastructure choices were made to address the need for secure and cost-effective alternatives to the free social experiences offered by centralized corporations that exploit user data.

Building a Layer 2 for Social

Recognizing that other L2s also offer high TPS and low fees, Cyber differentiates itself by building custom protocols and advanced developer tools specifically for social applications directly into the L2.

Our enshrined CyberConnect Protocol makes it possible for developers and applications to interact with social graph data.  Additionally, CyberDB, our cheap and efficient decentralized storage solution powered by EigenLayer AVS, enables applications to benefit from large-scale social data across ecosystems. Building these solutions into Cyber’s infrastructure streamlines development for builders.

Cyber delivers a smooth, web2-like experience for users through native Account Abstraction and familiar authentication methods such as Passkey and Webauthn, enabling easy wallet access through widely used methods like FaceID. Additionally, Cyber’s Smart Accounts support gas sponsorship, further reducing friction for users. By deploying on Cyber, developers can use all these customizations natively, facilitating the creation of social applications that offer a familiar web2-like experience, enriched with web3 benefits.


CyberConnect Is Now Cyber

This isn't just a name change—it's the next chapter in our story. We’re still all-in on empowering developers to create innovative social applications where users control their identities and data, and creators can expand their reach in a fairer, more direct, and truly decentralized manner. This is just a step towards realizing this.

Over the years, the team behind CyberConnect has contributed significantly to the web3 social landscape with our multi-chain web3 social networking protocol and suite of infrastructure offerings. We've also launched some pretty cool consumer-facing stuff along the way like Link3, the web3 networking app, and CyberWallet, an ERC-4337 compatible smart account web3 wallet that's quickly become the industry's favorite for account abstraction.

Each of these initiatives has brought us closer to realizing our vision for onchain social, but they were just individual pieces of a larger puzzle. Now, we're bringing all these pieces together as we launch Cyber, the L2 for social. 

We’re using our learnings to launch an L2 specifically for developers who are eager to engage mass audiences and create social applications that blend the unique benefits of web3, like data ownership, with the simplicity of traditional web2 social applications. Cyber is for both the die-hard crypto fans and for those currently outside of web3 just looking for better online experiences.

Spinning out Link3

As part of refining our focus, we're giving Link3 room to grow on its own. With our rebrand to Cyber, we’re consolidating our developer-centric offerings under one brand, centering around our new L2. This strategic shift allows Link3 to independently expand its web3 professional networking platform. This is more than a new chapter; it's about setting the stage for the next generation of web3 development.

What’s Next?

Phase 1 of Mainnet: Developer Mainnet

During the next month, we are prioritizing onboarding developers and projects onto our ecosystem to ensure users have an enjoyable and engaging experience during our upcoming Social Summer Campaign. Check out our Developer Documentation to get started.

Developers actively building or considering building innovative social apps and infrastructure are encouraged to sign up and list themselves in our ecosystem today! There are tons of rewards and incentives you won’t want to miss. 

We believe so strongly that Cyber is going to be the L2 for the next generation of social apps that we are allocating millions of $CYBER tokens to develop the Cyber ecosystem. We’ve already earmarked $2M for grants for builders contributing to the ecosystem and completed the Pilot Round of our Ecosystem Grants program, rewarding 10 projects with $170k worth of $CYBER tokens even before our mainnet launch. While the pilot round of grants is over, we continue to seek and support developers in the ecosystem. We invite all developers to join us on this journey to build the first L2 for social!

As for non-developers, don’t worry–we haven’t forgotten about you. Follow us on X and Link3 to explore what you can do on Cyber and see what’s in store for the future. We have dedicated materials and resources just for you! In the meantime, mint our commemorative NFT here!

About Cyber

Cyber, the L2 for social, enables developers to create apps that transform how people connect, create, monetize, and share the value they generate.

By simplifying workflows and accelerating time to market, Cyber streamlines development through an all-in-one platform that integrates high-performance infrastructure—with ultra-low fees and high TPS—and purpose-built tools for social applications, such as the CyberConnect protocol and CyberDB. To meet the demand for a seamless UX in social applications, Cyber offers a familiar, web2-like experience enriched with web3 benefits, through features like native Account Abstraction and seedless wallets.

With 3 years of experience in building decentralized social networks, Cyber leverages its resources and knowledge to nurture a synergistic ecosystem with strong support systems atop its L2.

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